
Galeri foto Paranoia Awards 2015

Paranoia Awards 2015 hadir kembali untuk mengapresiasi para pencipta Electronic Dance Music di negeri ini.

Penganugerahan pemenang tahun ini kembali diadakan di Collosseum Jakarta, Jumat [18/12] kemarin.

Dalam tema “The Authentic You” Paranoia Awards 2015 dimeriahkan oleh Patricia Schuldtz, Evan Virgan, Fadlie & Micko, Yacko, DTX, dan Helwa [Ethnic Contemporer Dance].

Dan berikut para pemenang dan galeri foto keseruan Paranoia Awards 2015:

1. Tech House/ Techno DJ of the Year: Shawn
2. House DJ of the Year: Micko
3. R&B/Hiphop DJ of the Year: Justeen
4. Drum&Bass & Dubstep DJ of the Year: Random
5. Electro / Mash Up DJ of the Year: Dmust Akira
6. Progressive DJ of the Year: Roni Joni
7. Trance DJ of the Year: Innerlight
8. Event of the Year: Djakarta Warehouse Project 2014
9. Club Night of the Year: Yellow Claw at Blowfish
10. Club EO of the Year: Dinero$
11. Rural Club of the Year: Mirror – Bali
12. Podcast of the Year: Back 2 Back Room by Riri.tv
13. Deep House DJ of the Year: Fadlie
14. Uprising MC of the Year: Bam
15. Uprising DJ of the Year: Pixiee
16. Resident DJ of the Year: Trilions – Colosseum
17. VJ of the Year: Hurricane
18. Local Dance Track of the Year: “Let it go” by Evan Virgan
19. Producer of the Year: Winky Wiryawan
20. Serial Event of the Year: Enter The Void
21. Club of the Year: Colosseum
22. Duo or Group DJ of the Year: D.U.A
23. Milestone Paranoia Awards 2015: Remy Irwan
24. DJ of the Year: Mahesa Utara

[teks @bartno | foto Niko Bimantara]

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