Name: Fendy Angger Alam Birth Date: 22 September 1991 Interest: Cooking!! Favorite Musician: Mike Tompkins, Michael Buble, & Kenny G! Motto: Learn from yesterday; live for today; hope for tomorrow and Where There’s a will, There’s a way! Be cool be good and be better! (BukanIklan) About Me: Have Fun Go Mad!
Because you had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around.. Gak brenti2 lagunya Daniel Powter terus menggema di dalem otak gw setelah apa yang udah gw alami seharian ini. Gimana enggak, liriknya seakan mewakili banget keadaan gw! heuuhh,,(mulai dhe!). Bad day,, bad day,, My bad…
Name Cia Wardhana Facebook / Twitter Cia Wardhana / @ciawardhana Place/date of birth Bandung, 7 Maret 1988 University Universitas Padjajaran Bandung (Komunikasi) Hobbies Jalan – jalan ke pantai! About me Walaupun paling tua di Angkatan Trax Hunt 2012, tapi paling berjiwa muda! Amin! Motivasi di TRAX HUNT 2012 Siaran!! Punya skill lebih dan dikenal…
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